Hey Dolls,
This post was inspired by a post from http://missbeautyobsession.blogspot.co.uk/ and it got me thinking, what things did I wish I knew when I first started this blog?
You can not function as a Blogger without social media and the people on them. Twitter especially is a fantastic tool in the bloggers tool belt. Treat your followers with kindness and respect and more will follow. It is a fantastic place to keep your readers updated on what you're up to and new posts, as well as shameless self promotion.
2: Good Photography.
I think high quality photos is vital, especially in beauty related Blogs, after all, what is the use in swatching products if you can't see their true colour?
3: Blog Design.
Make sure your blog has a unique design that fits its content and your style, think of it as your shop window.
When writing reviews always be honest. If a brand sent you the products for free then state it in your review. People are spending money on products due to your recommendation, so always be honest.
5: Vary Your Content.
Write different kinds of posts, don't just write reviews or post tutorials. Make sure to post different kinds of posts, lifestyle updates, fashion posts, beauty regimes anything your heart desires.
6: Talk To Other Bloggers (aka Social Media Is Got Part 2)
ALWAYS talk to other Bloggers, we are a friendly bunch and are usually happy to answer any questions, provide tips or just have a good chinwag. Anyone wanting any advice or to have a natter can contact me on Twitter at @Gothinista